The Lincoln & Welland Regiment

200 plus years of service in the defence of our nation

Non Nobis Sed Patraie - Not Four Ourselves But For Out Country

The story of the Lincoln & Welland Regiment is one that transcends the boundaries of pure military history, It is a story of pride and principal, a story of frontier settlement and forging new lives in a new land, a story that tells the tale of the development of the Niagara Region itself, and in the grande picture, the story of Canandian citizen soldiers, who volunteered to serve and chose to defend our great nation during times of conflict in the name of freedom.

“.They come like foxes in the woods. They attack like lions. They flee like birds.”

— Indigenous account of the tactics used by Butler’s Rangers during the American Revolution

Loyal Service Spanning More Than Four Centuries

The following video brings to life the long and storied service of the Lincoln & Welland Regiment. Thank you to former Regimental soldier and current member of the Honourable Company Mario Madau for producing this video.

For more information of the Lincoln & Welland Regiment please visit